Service projects
As part of our service, we offer a variety of services. Find out what they are and why choose them.
Aquamatic servis
Is topping up your batteries causing you a lot of problems? Are you looking to extend the life of your batteries? Ensure the water level is correct in all your battery cells. Deploy a central filling system for traction batteries using distilled or demineralised water. This solution will shorten the time needed to add distilled water to batteries by up to 95%.

Additional installation of work lights
Do you really want to see at work properly? Are you working on a platform at night or in adverse conditions?

Battery regeneration
Extend the life of your batteries and achieve lower operating and maintenance costs. We use an electro-chemical process in battery regeneration that converts the formed lead sulphate crystals into the active substance of the electrodes and sulphuric acid ions.

Coding keyboard and additional security for your machine
Ensure that your machine can only be used by an authorized person. The solution is to install a special coding keyboard and additional machine security.

External power supply
Don’t be dependent upon fixed 230 V mains. Take advantage of the option to install an external power supply to make full use of the widest variety of electrical tools on your platform.

Machine overhauls
Do you own an older machine that you want to work like new? Use our work platform overhaul service.